Performances/Offerings at our event by:

5:30pm Outdoors

6:00pm Outdoors

6:30pm Outdoors
El teatro Campesino’s annual Procession & Special Performance

7:00pm SJB Streets

7:45pm Outdoors
ETC’s Annual Dia de los Muertos event returns to celebrate our dearly departed with ofrendas, musica, teatro, and more!
Scheduled acts between 5pm-6:30pm will be outdoors. Altar Exhibits, Tiendita, and Corina’s Cantina will be inside the playhouse.
7pm is our procession through the streets of San Juan Bautista. We will arrive back just in time for a special teatro performance outdoors.

Community altars on display inside ETC Playhouse

Special danza & blessing of the ofrendas by CALPULLI OCELOYOTL @ 6:30pm


Teatro performance in honor or Dia de los Muertos on our outdoor stage after the procession!

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